Becoming a Member of the Wood County Democratic Party
From Wood County Democratic Party Constitution
Dues Paying Members of the Wood County Democratic Party have these privileges:
As an official member of the WCDP
1. You have the right to vote on:
– the annual budget,
– other financial decisions made during the year,
– policies governing the county party,
– resolutions to be sent on to the Congressional (CD) and State conventions,
– and officers of the WCDP (explained further below).
2. You can be selected to be a delegate to the 3rd or 7th CD convention and/or the state convention.
3. You can nominate other individuals to serve as an officer of WCDP.
4. Or you can become an officer of the WDCP or a CD officer (explained further below).
How to Become a Member
Applications for membership (or to renew your membership) can be obtained by clicking the link below, or emailing to request a form from You can then send your completed form with payment to Wood County Democratic Party P.O. Box 786 Marshfield, Wi 54449. Your membership has to be renewed yearly.