WCDP – Executive Committee
3rd Congressional District

Joe Behlen Co-Chair
I grew up in rural Wisconsin and, like most kids at the time that lived in rural areas, I belonged to 4H. In 4H you learn and work toward having a head with clearer thinking, which means education; and having a heart for greater loyalty, which means your responsibility in living in a democracy and as a citizen of the world; we learned to have hands for larger service, which means helping those in need; and finally health for better living, which means self-care and having a healthy environment to live in. All of these are values that Democrats put into policy to improve our society.
I also grew up Catholic. Catholic social teaching taught me that we are to respect the entire spectrum of life, from birth to death and anything less falls short of what God asks of us. That means we to are respect all people at all stages of life without judgment, as Jesus did. It means respect for God’s creation, because you can’t love your neighbor as yourself, if you are destroying the planet that is supporting you, your neighbor, and the rest of creation. These, too, are values of Democrats, and that is why I joined.

Kay Jackson Vice Co-Chair
Bio coming soon

Georgia Winters
Delegate At Large
I am a retired RN and spent my entire career working at Marshfield Medical Center (formerly St. Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield). I started out as a nursing assistant then a staff RN (in 1981) and the last 20 or so years of my career I was a case manager. In March of 2023, the day of my 43rd anniversary with the hospital, I retired. I was born in Western Wisconsin, graduated from Holcombe High School and went to nursing school at the former St. Joseph’s School of Nursing. I met my husband of 40 years, Rick at “the Wood” County UW Extension where he had come back to visit a former roommate. He is a retired teacher, coach and current school board member of Pittsville School District. We raised 2 wonderful sons, and have been blessed to add 2 fabulous daughters-in-law and 3 perfect grandchildren to fill out our family tree. We live in a home we love in Pittsville and are forever grateful for all the blessings in our life.
I am proud to say I have been instrumental in a Community Meal program at our little church in Pittsville. The United Church of Christ- Pittsville has sponsored this Community Meal available to anyone that wants to come. While there is a basket for those who want to contribute to keep it going, there is no charge for the meal and we have served thousands of meals since 2008.
I have been a Democrat most of my life, very drawn to the platform of helping those who are less fortunate raise up to be their best self. I was a foster child from about age 8 and know first hand that the programs to assist those in need can make a big difference. I became more politically involved when Scott Walker brought Act 10 to the State of Wisconsin, seeming to target teachers. I know of no other group that should be demonized less than our public school teachers and I picketed with the teachers on their behalf (which seemed rather strange in my 50’s). I joined the Democratic Party in 2016 when I felt I needed to become more involved and not just complain in my living room to someone who already agreed with me. I have enjoyed working to get Democratic candidates elected and will be in charge of the picnic in July 2024.
7th Congressional District

Kathleen Rulka Co-Chair
I have been in Marshfield since 2007. I am a retired Marriage & Family Therapist and Clinical Chaplain and spent my professional career in Palliative Care and Hospice, caring for patients and families in End of Life Care. I am also an artist with clay and glass as my media. I enjoy creating opportunities for people to come together to create public art displays. I became more active in politics when my husband, Brian Ewert, ran for 7th Congressional District in 2018. Since then, I ran as a write-in candidate for the 69th Assembly seat, and then, in 2020, was elected Co-Chair of the Wood County Democratic Party, beginning January 1, 2021. I love networking with people and organizing for change. If you want to volunteer for the Wood County Democratic Party, there are many ways we can use your gifts and talents!

Chris Stargardt
Vice Co-Chair
I was born in Marshfield and have lived most of my life here. I graduated from Ripon College majoring in Economics and History. After college, I worked in Milwaukee and then Iowa. I returned to Marshfield to work at my family’s car dealership which was later sold. I was hired as a 911 operator and police/fire/EMS dispatcher for the City of Marshfield. When Marshfield, Wisconsin Rapids and Wood County combined their dispatch centers, I worked at the combined center for a little over two years before returning to the Marshfield Police Department as a records specialist. I retired from MPD in February 2022 and returned as a temporary part-time employee in July 2023.
I am married and have 2 daughters, 1 son-in-law and 2 grandsons. My family is one of the primary reasons I joined Wood County Democrats. My youngest daughter identifies as lesbian and my two grandsons are biracial. I fear for their futures in a country if Republicans hold power; Republicans who don’t recognize my daughter as a person with the same rights as every other citizen and my grandsons who may be racially profiled and marginalized. If I don’t do all I can to support and promote Democrats and our values, I will feel like I failed them.
In addition to being the Volunteer Coordinator for Wood County Democrats, I volunteer at Soup or Socks Food Pantry and in the office at my church. I like to travel with family and friends. For fun, I like to read historical fiction and murder mystery novels. I also like to play cards, board games, sudoku and Wordle.

Ken Breu
Delegate At Large
I am a retired teacher and computer programmer/analyst. I was born in 1951, the fifth of twelve children of William and Dorothy Breu, and was raised in Marshfield area, where I have spent most of my life. I am a graduate of St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN, with a B.A. in Mathematics, and Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI, with an M.A. in Education.
After college, I was a volunteer for two years with the U.S. Peace Corps, serving at Nsona Mpangu, Zaïre (now Dem. Rep. of the Congo). There I taught high school “mathématiques”. Upon first arriving in Africa, in July 1973, after our plane was refueled at the Entebbe, Uganda airport and had taken off, it was forced to return. I and 110 other Peace Corps Volunteers were detained for 2½ days by Uganda’s dictator, Idi Amin, eager to create an international incident. The President of Zaïre, Mobutu Sese Seko, and our State Dept and Secretary Henry Kissinger secured our release.
After returning home, I taught math at Marshfield schools, until being laid off. I then pursued an 18-year career as a computer programmer/analyst at Marshfield Clinic and Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation (now Institute). During this time, I served as president of the local chapter of Association of Information Technology Professionals. I also served on Marshfield’s School-to-Work Employment Council for six years, on the Town of Rock’s Zoning Committee where I headed the rewrite of its zoning code, and donated more than five gallons of blood to American Red Cross.
In 1999, I returned to teaching, in Marshfield, and then Bangor, areas. I retired in 2013, though I continue to occasionally work as a substitute teacher. During this time, I served as Grand Knight of Bangor’s Knights of Columbus Council 9438, and as a 4th degree Knight, served on the Honor Guard of La Crosse’s Assembly 1195.
In 1987, I received, along with all former and current Peace Corps Volunteers, The Beyond War Award. I have been listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, and Marquis Who’s Who in America. In 2018, I received a hammer drill from my pastor, and two years later, a table saw from my parish, in appreciation for my volunteer work refurbishing the parish rectory. In 2021, I was given a Volunteer Service Award from EAA/AirVenture Oshkosh. I remain active in Corpus Christi Catholic Parish, Bakerville and enjoy running, woodworking, camping, travel and astronomy. I am married, with two sons and one daughter-in-law, and live in the Town of Rock.
I have been active in the Democratic party since the campaign of Janet Protasiewicz. My father, Bill Breu, was an infantryman under Lt. Gen. George Patton, fighting in four major European campaigns of WWII, including the Battle of the Bulge. Bill helped save this country from fascism. Today, through the Democratic Party, I feel must try to do the same. (I consider one of the greatest honors of my life was being my father’s “guardian” during my Honor Flight trip in 2011 to Washington, D.C., to see the WWII memorial.)
Ken was elected Delegate-at-Large for Wood County – 7th Congressional District for 2025-26

Franklin Pyles
I have retired here in Marshfield after living in a number of both large and small cities. My wife and I are active in our church and love to take long walks around Marshfield as well as help our busy daughter and her children. I was very involved with local community issues in Detroit, Michigan, and hope to bring some of that background to bear on our local issues. I read the biographies of U.S Presidents as a hobby.

Brian Ewert
I am involved with the Democratic Party because it is the political party that most closely aligns with my values. My aspiration for our community, state and nation is that we all have the opportunity to succeed grounded in societal stability and equity.
I grew up in rural Kansas railroad town, so Wood County felt familiar when our family moved here in 1993. I am a kidney physician and have retired from active patient care. I was drawn to Marshfield due to the Clinic and St. Joseph’s Hospital having the core mission of serving all residents in the service area.
I have appreciated being involved in various community organizations. I was on the founding board for the Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity in the 1990s. I am currently on the board for the Personal Development Center, Inc. which provides services to victims of domestic violence in northern Wood, Clark, and western Marathon counties. I have also held leadership positions in faith communities in Marshfield.
Following the 2016 election I realized I needed to increase my involvement with political activity. This led me to run for the 7th Congressional District representative oRice in 2018. I did not advance beyond the primary. However, the experience provided an immersion into the processes and personalities of political engagement. Since 2018 I have maintained political involvement through various activities:
• Volunteer work for the Wood County Democratic Party
o Providing the annual financial review
o Designing printed material
o Managing the membership database
• Being treasurer for local and regional candidates
• Canvassing as part of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s coordinated campaigns
I look forward to providing the financial and compliance support to the Wood County Democratic Party so we can continue to promote the values that strengthen our communities, our state, and our nation.
Current Wisconsin Elected Officials

Sarah Godliewski
Secretary of State

Sara Rodriguez
Lieutenant Governor

Tony Evers
Wisconsin Blue –